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Monday, September 23, 2013

Best Home Shopping Season in Almost a Decade
June Concludes Best Spring Home Shopping Season in Almost a Decade As the weather warmed up this spring, so did the national housing market, shaking off a relatively sluggish start to the year to register the highest annual rate of home value appreciation in any second quarter since 2004. The U.S. Zillow Home Value Index rose to...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to Save as a Renter
If you're renting, you probably know that the market is pretty tight right now. Fewer properties are available, and some particularly tough markets have seen a spate of abuses by unscrupulous landlords and brokers. But you can still save on rent and other monthly housing expenses by negotiating with your landlord and implementing some com...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Borrowing Money from Friends and Family
Borrowing from friends and family Everyone warns against lending money amongst family and friends, but sometimes it's the only recourse. Here's what to expect, and how to make a loan go smoothly. It can be unnerving when an unexpected event turns into a major expense, especially when you don't have the means to pay for it. Be...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

11 Tips to Rebuild Your Credit!
11 Tips to Rebuild Your Credit Looking for tips to build your credit? Here’s a slew of them to help you get your credit back on track. Set a date night with your credit. Think of it as your monthly check-up, or weigh in. Or add it to your to-do list when you pay your bills. Just be sure to take a few minutes each month to review you...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pets vs. Service Animals in Rentals
Landlord Study Hall: Pets vs. Service Animals in Rentals John and Laura enjoyed their first Landlord Study Hall. There was discussion on pets vs. service animals. Basically a service animal is not considered a pet in the rental world. Landlords must very careful when referring to these animals, there are strict laws protecting the right...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants
RALEIGH — The role that states should play in immigration reform has been a hot button issue across the country and here in North Carolina. Yet regardless of whether Congress comes to a consensus on a bill that would put an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants, about 325,000 of those in North Carolina, on a path to citizensh...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tips to Help Prevent Child Identity Theft at Back-to-School Time
From after-school program forms and sports team physicals to school registration documents, there are a number of people that will have access to your child’s personal information at back-to-school time. Unfortunately, the personal details that you include in these forms could put your children at risk of identity theft. Identity th...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Save $$ While Cleaning
Often the advertising media prompts you to purchase various cleaning products because they look great and promise to deliver great results. The reality is that you probably have items around the house that are inexpensive, work as well as the costly ones, and can be less toxic and are biodegradable. Using common household ingredients such...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Handling Emergencies and Disasters
Emergencies and disasters happen and in many instances, you cannot avoid them. Webster terms an emergency as "an unexpected situation that requires prompt action" and a disaster as "a grave occurrence having harmful results."  In the property management world, we see emergencies such as loss of heat, a gas leak, a water leak causing ...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Avoiding Those Pesky Pests
Nobody likes to have an annoying pest around. It doesn't matter what it is; it could be ants, spiders, wasps, hornets, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and larger varmints. They can sometimes be more than an annoyance; they can also cause harm and carry disease. Most of the time, you can avoid an invasion from these pesky critters. Like any liv...

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